Monday, April 2, 2007

Welcome to my new blog.

Today I went to a state park to distract myself from work and this computer.
It worked. 3 wild turkeys walked right in front of me, I walked a lot, more fun than the gym. Distracting myself from thoughts of work, I fantacized about when I would be swimming outside in one of the nearby lakes. Then walking towards the beach I was knocked out by the rotting smell of thousands of sheephead fish.

In the next couple of months I'll be uploading new editorial work and paintings. For now I'm haivng technical difficulties with my web site, ugh.


Anonymous said...

loved your art work.
willwe get to see more?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Liked the art work,shows a great imagination&creativity as well as very good art work.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Liked the art work,shows a great imagination&creativity as well as very good art work.